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Since the core system is responsible for multiple tasks, it is mandatory to keep the file structure clean and well arranged.

The project itself has a default application structure with some internal crates.

├── src/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tests/
├── crates/
│   ├── accounts/
│   ├── activity_pub/
│   ├── common/
│   ├── database/
│   ├── media/
│   ├── oauth_authentication/
│   ├── oauth_authorization_server/
│   └── plugin_interface/
└── Cargo.toml

File Description is the entry point of the application and will only load will read the configuration, create necessary folders, create an application instance and loads plugins.
tests contains integration test for the whole application.
creates/account handles all account related endpoints for user management.
creates/activity_pub Adds support for fediverse.
creates/common shared code like re-usable structs.
creates/database abstracts the database persistency for the application.
creates/media media related endpoints
creates/oauth_authentication OAuth/OpenID endpoints to support 3rd party login.
creates/oauth_authorization_server OAuth server to provide a standalone and offline capable login.
creates/plugin_interface Interfaces used by the plugin system.


Dependencies are shared in the project by using a Cargo workspace and defined in the Cargo.toml. Within the internal crates they are just referenced. If a custom feature is required, it is defined in the internal crate instead.

axum.workspace = true
serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] }

This will reduce a miss-matched dependency configuration.